Scholarship Application
Please print or digitally complete the appropriate application below. There is one for Willingboro High School students and one for JROTC students. Completed applications can be emailed to [email protected]. Applications are only valid if completed in entirety. Deadline for all submissions is 5/5/2024.
The scholarship requires that the applicant attend an accredited institution in a full-time capacity (Minimum of 12 credits per semester). Half of the scholarship will be paid directly to the institution each semester to be applied to the recipient's account, at the discretion of the Scholarship's officers and after verification of enrollment and registration for classes. The applicant must complete the first semester with at least a 2.0 average GPA to receive the second disbursement. If awardee is already fully funded for tuition and room & board, the James Cotten Memorial Scholarship may be applied to the student's account for the purchase of books and supplies (Proof of paid tuition, room & board required). The scholarship recipient (and their parents, if applicant is not 18 years of age) give express consent through the application and award to publish recipient's name/institution to be attended, in connection with the scholarship award.
At this time, two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors. One scholarship is intended for a Willingboro High School graduate and the other is intended for a high school graduate in the ABCO Federal Credit Union field of membership who participated in Junior ROTC. It is a one-time award for the recipient however, former recipients may reapply to be considered in subsequent years. The officers of the scholarship will determine the amount to be awarded and the number of recipients each year. Minimally, two scholarships will be awarded every other year to allow for fundraising efforts.
At this time, two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors. One scholarship is intended for a Willingboro High School graduate and the other is intended for a high school graduate in the ABCO Federal Credit Union field of membership who participated in Junior ROTC. It is a one-time award for the recipient however, former recipients may reapply to be considered in subsequent years. The officers of the scholarship will determine the amount to be awarded and the number of recipients each year. Minimally, two scholarships will be awarded every other year to allow for fundraising efforts.